SWAT4HCLS 2022 Virtual Conference in Leiden!

Our 4 day event with tutorials, 2 conference days and hackathon was hosted virtually in Leiden, The Netherlands January 10-13, 2022. (Event occurred 1171 days ago).

Proceedings: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3127/

Recordings: Leiden 2022 Recordings.

Post-SWAT4HCLS workshop: materials for FAIRification training

Colleagues from the European Joint Programme Rare Diseases have organised a workshop following the official SWAT4HCLS 2021-22 events to work on material for FAIRification training (typically also applicable to FAIRification projects in general). The workshop is intended as an open, hands-on meeting for identifying and working on new materials and updating existing materials. Topics to work on will be selected by the participants of the workshop and could include training workflows and technical tools that for FAIRification steps. The primary users of the materials are rare disease data managers, but materials are usually more general than that.

Please contact the organisers to request the pass codes for the Zoom call (or check the EJP RD calendar if you are EJP RD – ignore the Teams meeting links)

The workshop is kindly supported by the European Joint Programme Rare Diseases (https://www.ejprarediseases.org/) and partly facilitated by the Semantic Web Applications for Health Care and Life Sciences conference 2021-22 (SWAT4HCLS 2021-22, http://swat4ls.org/).

For more information and call details follow this link.

Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Healthcare and Life Sciences

SWAT4HCLS (Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Healthcare and Life Sciences) is a venue for presenting and discussing novel ideas, experiences and issues in the application of semantic and W3C Web technologies in the biomedical and clinical domains.

Starting in 2008, SWAT4HCLS has been held continuously for more than 12 years, expanding from a one day workshop to a four-day event composed of tutorials, conference and hackathon.

SWAT4HCLS intends to provide an open and vibrant discussion space cross-cutting across academia, industry and institutional participants.