16th International SWAT4HCLS conference


Please use the interactive version of the programme available via oxford abstracts. This includes the tutorials on Mon 24 Feb, main conference on Tue 25 Feb to Wed 26 Feb, and Biohackathon on Thu 27 Feb.

DAY 1 – Monday 24th February – Tutorials
(detailed tutorials program)
09:00-18:00Hackathon area
DAY 2 Tuesday 25th February – Conference Programme
(list of accepted contributions and detail on keynotes)
9:00-18:00Hackathon areaHackathon area
9:00-18:00Poster area
DAY 3 – Wednesday 26th February – Conference Programme
09:00-18:00Hackathon area
09:00-18:00Poster area
DAY 4 – Thursday 27th February – Hackathon
09:00-18:00Hackathon area