16th International SWAT4HCLS conference

Frequently Asked Questions

Posters and Demonstrations

Check the program for Flash presentations. This is an opportunity to provide a quick one minute impression of your poster or demo in the main auditorium in order to interest participants in visiting during the (open) Poster and Demo session that will be held in the Hypostyle Hall. Poster boards will be provided for all poster and demo sessions.


How do I upload my poster?

You can upload your poster via your submission form. It has a field to upload the artwork of the poster (a PDF). We point out that we distinguish the poster artwork and the poster 2-page narrative abstract. The former is for the poster gallery that is accessible via the conference program, and to print for the in-person poster session; the latter is for the proceedings that will be made available for participants of the conference.

Is there a poster template / what size and format should the poster be?

Posters should be A0 in portrait mode. We do not provide a poster template. We have poster boards for your printed poster. In addition, we cordially ask you to upload a PDF of your poster via your submission form. These PDFs will then automatically appear in the conference’s poster gallery.

Can I print my poster in Barcelona?

There two printing centers close to the venue:

Gràfic Centre Castillejos

Tel: +34 93 249 12 93
e-mail: castillejos@graficcentre.com

You can upload your file here

Serveis Gràfics SANT PAU


Tel: +34 93 307 54 06 

You can send your PDF to produccion@santpausg.com (they only use photographic quality paper for big format)


When and where do I present my demonstration?

The demonstrations take place during the Poster sessions on Tue 25th Feb and Wed 26th Feb in the Hypostyle Hall. Please see the program.

What facilities will be made available to me?

We can provide a table for your demonstration. You need to bring your own laptop. We have also ordered poster boards for all accepted demonstrations so that you can display a poster.


Camera ready (final copy)

We suggest that you upload your finalized submission a week before the conference so that we can begin the work of adding it to the proceedings. Your submission will be available to participants through Oxford Abstracts during the conference.

Are the references included in the page count?

To be fair to other authors and our reviewers we cordially request to honor the page limits, but some flexibility in exceeding the page count a little due to the references is permissible. Our flexibility depends on the process to generate the proceedings from the CEUR formatted PDFs. Contrary to what we assumed previously, it is a too low page count that can lead to problems in generating the proceedings.

I am going over the page limit for a short paper, but not enough to call it a long paper: what should I do?

Please submit anyway! You can indicate deviations from the norm in the comment field of the submission form. In the review process we can discuss how to process your submission. For instance, the organising committee may re-categorise submissions while putting the program together. You should not go over the 10 page limit, because this may create problems in generating the proceedings.

I would like to submit an abstract for a poster, but writing a two page paper is too much for us at this time: what should I do?

Please submit your abstract! The 2 pages are a maximum and in the CEUR format 2 pages are not extensive. We acknowledge that in some of our application domains publishing papers via conferences is not customary and short structured abstracts are the norm. In striving for a transdisciplinary conference we encourage such abstracts as well.

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