11th International SWAT4HCLS Conference, Antwerp 2018

Posters and demos session


Accepted posters

Interoperable genome annotation with GBOL, an extendable infrastructure for functional data mining. Jasper Koehorst, Jesse van Dam, Jon Olav Vik, Peter Schaap and Maria Suarez Diez. 10.6084/m9.figshare.7409186

myFAIR-SEEK: FAIR Translational and clinical research management. Rick Jansen, Katherine Wolstencroft, Saskia Hiltemann, Leon Mei, David van Zessen, Folkert van Kemenade, Andrew Stubbs and Yunlei Li. 

Identifiers.org Compact Identifier services. Sarala Wimalaratne, Manuel Bernal Llinares, Nick Juty and Henning Hermjakob. Identifiers.org Compact Identifier services.

Automated Composition of Scientific Workflows in Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics. Anna-Lena Lamprecht, Magnus Palmblad, Jon Ison and Veit Schwämmle. 

PathoPhenoDB: A database of pathogen–phenotype associations. Senay Kafkas, Marwa Abdelhakim, Maxat Kulmanov, Marwa Abdellatif, Paul Schofield and Robert Hoehndorf. 

Annotation of Proteins from LOD for a Viewer of Multiple Protein Sequence Alignment. Atsuko Yamaguchi and Hiroyuki Toh. 10.6084/m9.figshare.7314539

Leveraging Semantic Technologies to Bring Active Pharmacovigilance at the Point of Care. Pantelis Natsiavas, Marie-Christine Jaulent and Vassilis Koutkias. 10.6084/m9.figshare.7325003

RIKEN Plant Metabolome MetaDatabase: an integrated plant metabolome data repository based on the semantic web. Atsushi Fukushima, Mikiko Takahashi, Nozomu Sakurai, Toshiaki Tokimatsu, Hideki Nagasaki, Hideki Hirakawa, Takeshi Ara, Masanori Arita and Norio Kobayashi. 10.6084/m9.figshare.7331036

Implementing FAIR Identifiers in InterMine. Daniela Butano and Sergio Contrino. 10.6084/m9.figshare.7358576

OME Ontology: A Novel Data and Tool Integration Methodology for Multi-Modal Imaging in the Life Sciences. Norio Kobayashi, Satoshi Kume, Josh Moore and Jason R. Swedlow. 10.6084/m9.figshare.7325063

Implementing Schema.org markup on www.UniProt.org. Jerven Bolleman,Parit Bansal, Sebastien Gehant, Nicole Redaschi and Alan Bridge. 10.6084/m9.figshare.7326506

The Rhea SPARQL endpoint supports integrated analyses of genome, proteome and metabolome. Thierry Lombardot, AnneMorgat, Sebastien Gehant, Nicole Redaschi and Alan Bridge. 10.6084/m9.figshare.7326662

Provenance as a building block towards more reproducible and maintainable NICE guidance. Cornelia Hedeler, Andrew Mitchell and Vasa Curcin. 

Expanding Adverse Outcome Pathway knowledge by creating AOP-Wiki RDF with semantic annotations to facilitate risk assessment of chemicals. Marvin Martens, Egon Willighagen and Chris Evelo. 

Rare diseases GO FAIR! – a networking initiative to foster the adoption of FAIR guiding principles by the rare disease community. Marco Roos, Victoria Hedley, Ana Rath, Marc Hanauer, Dipak Kalra, Gary Saunders, Ian Harrow, Yaffa Rubinstein, Ellen Werner, David van Enckevort, Friederike Ehrhart, Annika Jacobsen, Mark Thompson, Rachel Thompson, Mark Wilkinson, Luiz Olavo Bonino Da Silva Santos, Tessa van Daalen, Claudio Carta, Ronald Cornet, Veronica Maria-Popa, Gulcin Gumus and Virginie Bros-Facer. 

Integration of National Food Composition Tables with FooDB and FoodEx2: More FAIRness for Public Food and Nutrition Data Sources. Filip Pattyn, Carl Lachat and Hans Constandt. 10.6084/m9.figshare.6994094

Identification of SHACL Constraints from a Knowledge Graph. Erhard Eibl, Siyabend Sakik, Niels Schneider, OyaBeyan and Nils Lukas. 10.6084/m9.figshare.7325243

LOD Surfer Metadata: Essential LOD catalogue data for traversing life-science LOD amongst multiple SPARQL endpoints. Norio Kobayashi and Yasunori Yamamoto. 

Knowledge Discovery on Biomedical Literature: Validating and Quality Control on Cause and Effect Networks. Jens Dörpinghaus and Alpha Tom Kodamullil. 10.6084/m9.figshare.7370675

Accepted demos

mEx – An Information Extraction Platform for German Medical Text. Roland Roller, Christoph Alt, Laura Seiffe and He Wang. 

SAPP: functional genome annotation and analysis through a semantic framework using FAIR principles. Maria Suarez Diez, Jasper Koehorst and Peter Schaap. 

An open-source platform for syntactic and semantic data mapping to RDF: hiding the complexity for end-users. Johan van Soest, Berend Weel, Martine de Vos, Alexander Malic, Zhenwei Shi, Tim Lustberg, Michel Dumontier and Andre Dekker.

ADOnIS: An ontology-based information system providing seamless integration of structured and unstructured data. Alsayed Algergawy, Friederike Klan, Erik Faessler, Hamdi Hamed, Bernd Kampe, Birgitta König-Ries and Udo Hahn. 

Real-time FAIRification of rare disease patient registry data. Martijn G. Kersloot, Annika Jacobsen, Karlijn Groenen, Denis Rakov, Leo Schultze Kool, Ronald Cornet and Derk L. Arts. 10.6084/m9.figshare.7325234

Data re-use and participant consent: introducing the dynamic consent management platform MyConsent. Sabrina Edinger and Derk Arts. 

The SIEMA Platform: Improving DHIS2 Data Uses in Malaria Surveillance. Mohammad Sadnan Al Manir, Jon Hael Brenas, Christopher J.O. Baker and Arash Shaban-Nejad. 10.6084/m9.figshare.7351430

DISQOVER: A Paradigm Shift in Semantic Data Processing using a Fast, Scalable, Transparent and Easy to Use New Semantic Data Ingestion Engine. Filip Pattyn, Hans Constandt, Bérénice Wulbrecht, Kenny Knecht and Paul Vauterin.